20 "Raising Chickens" Posts

From Egg To Chick: How Chicken Eggs Develop
The development of a chick starts not only when the egg is hatched, but already in the Fallopian tube of the hen.

Are Chickens Mammals Or Reptiles? The Surprising Truth!
Are chickens mammals or reptiles? While the perennial debate concerning the origin of Gallus gallus domesticus rages on, find out here!

Analysis Of The Daily Routine Of Chickens (Behavioral Research)
For chickens, their daily behavior and routine is fairly fixed. One of the most important things in the life of a chicken is eating.

What Kind Of Chicken Is A Capon?
Chances are that you've just heard the term 'Capon' and you're wondering what kind of chicken is a capon. Discover here exactly what it means!

Chicken Breeds With Feathered Legs
There are hundreds of chicken breeds that can be found happily clucking and pecking their way around yards all over the world. From the familiar Bantam to the

Can Chickens Eat Bananas?
A question that has plagued man for generations, from the great philosophers to the political leaders the world over, one that has divided countries and leads

Do Chickens Have Talons Or Claws?
Everyone's seen a Jurassic Park movie in their life, right? Dinosaurs, ooh! But crucially, two kinds of dinosaurs.

Can Chickens Eat Pineapple?
Chickens aren't typically fussy with their diet and they'll often eat whatever they can find around the coop, so caring owners enjoy feeding them a large

Can Chickens Eat Carrots?
Not only is it perfectly fine to feed your chickens carrots, but they actively enjoy them as one of their favorite treats.

What Sounds Do Chickens Make?
What sounds do chickens make: Chickens are naturally talkative animals and you can't make chickens quieter, so if this is something you are concerned about it may be wise to really consider getting chickens.

How Do Chickens Mate
Ever wondered how chickens mate? If you're curious about the process of chickens and roosters meeting, and how they 'get it on', see here.

Silkie Rooster Characteristics
Silkie chickens are renowned for their ultra-soft plumage and their docile and friendly manner. They were first found in China and once referred to as 'furry

Chicken Breeds And Their Genetics: How New Breeds Develop
How does a breed of chicken develop which always shows the same characteristics and how are changes in the offspring possible?

How To Keep (And Look After) A Henhouse
Want tips on how to keep and maintain a henhouse on your property? This guide will help you.

Do Chickens Pee?
The burning question on everyone's minds is this: 'do chickens pee?' The answer might surprise you, given that chickens actually don't have a bladder.

What Is The Difference Between Fowl And Poultry?
Fowl and poultry are two names that are often thrown around when talking about birds.

How Do Chickens Sleep?
If you have been checking in on your chickens and wondering exactly how they are sleeping then you’re not alone. Chickens have different ways of sleeping. And

What Are Baby Chickens Called?
Once the baby chicken breaks free, they are hatched from the egg and a baby chicken is born. You may be thinking 'what are baby chickens called', and haven't

What Is A Group Of Chickens Called?
What is a group of chickens called? It's not what you think! This collective noun is both weird and wonderful - discover it here.

How Long Do Roosters Live?
Roosters are fantastic animals full of personality. They protect their flock from predators and internal discord. They hunt for treats for their hens and keep